⏰ STOP Procrastinating! | Achieve YOUR Property Investment Goals in 2023! | Increased productivity!🏠

⏰ STOP Procrastinating! | Achieve YOUR Property Investment Goals in 2023! | Increased productivity!🏠

How to take action and achieve your Property Goals this year!


  • If you're feeling unmotivated or if you have a general thing/idea in mind that you want achieve or do or work towards, but no idea how to get there this is then this blog for you! This is how I felt!
  • I always wanted get into property for myself but never took action. I had a general wishy washy idea of what wanted to do but never a specific plan in place to do something
  • Here are 4 simple (plus a bonus point!), steps you can put in place to get you started!

Main Body of Work:

  1. Mission:
  • Start with a simple Brainstorm - What's your Mission what's your Vision or what you want to achieve in a simple nutshell. Just one sentence jot that down!

No pressure!

2. Break that down into smaller plans - 5+yr plan

  • Expand on your initial mission by jotting goals that you want to achieve in 5 yrs which can form your long term goals.
  • These can be SMART goals! You bath this video in the cards or linked below for more details on this!

Again there's no pressure on you!

3. Break that down into smaller goals - Medium term goals - 3yr plan -

  • More emphasis on being time specific so you can review your progress and makes tweaks as and needed to improve your performance.
  • You need to look at these honestly and in a an analytical mind frame as this is all about moving forward and if you haven't achieved some thing in the time frame you have set you need to find out why so you can learn and achieve it the next time, maybe you didn't have resources, so research what you need, maybe you needed more time to do it in so break the taks down into multiple steps etc!
  • If you achieved it faster maybe the goal needs to be more challenging if its a reoccurring goal

It’s not about beating yourself up but how to make things more efficient!

4. Break that down! - Smaller - time sensitive, specific timeline - 12 month plan, more detail and time specific…

Bonus Point…! Break these down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks!

  • Weekly & Daily goals that work towards the 12 month plan, 12 month plan works towards 3yr plan, 3 yr plan works towards 5+yr plan, that works to achieving the overall mission which is ongoing!

So we have gone from a general wishy washy overall statement and broken this down into bite size steps or bread crumbs that we cam follow to get from A to Z!


So please do you’re own research into this, these are steps I have taken to plan my property, this canoe taken to anything you might want to achieve!

Watch the full YouTube video: 
Investment property journey

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